Friday, May 6, 2011

The Organs..

Aside from the fact that Cystic Fibrosis severely affects the lungs, it also affects various parts of the body. Usually, the bacteria grows from the thick mucus build up and it causes infections that can lead to serious lung damage. Breathing passageways can become blocked, and air can’t get through. If the inflammation or infection in the lungs is very severe, the only way to survive is by getting a lung transplant, this however, does not cure Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis also affects the Pancreas. This disease causes secrete enzymes and insulin [controls blood sugar] to become thick, when this happens the pancreatic ducts become clogged, enzymes cant get past, food isn’t digested properly and body can not absorb nutrients. As a result, you may not gain weight but rather even lose weight.To some individuals with Cystic Fibrosis, the defective parts of the pancreas make it so that insulin is not available to the cells, which causes blood sugar level to rise and results in insulin dependent diabetes. Thank god Sarah’s symptoms haven’t gotten this bad! 

This illness also affects the liver, gallbladder, intestines and reproductive organs. Thickened secretions can clog up these organs and prevent them from working properly. If this happens, the liver could become permanently damaged and the gallbladder is usually removed. Thick secretions also form in the intestines which can cause life threatening blockages. The intestines that are affected are known as meconium ileus. With Cystic Fibrosis, thick secretions in sperm canal cause blockage that prevents sperm from getting through and are almost always infertile in males, and females able to reproduced but often very decreased fertility because of the thick mucus blocking the entry way of sperm.

As well as Cystic Fibrosis affecting these organs, it also affects the skeletal system. People who have Cystic Fibrosis may have weaker bones than others as a result of their bones containing less material. This can sometimes lead to arthritis, or the bones getting easily fractured or broken. 

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